We are excited to introduce a track for non-archival content for AutoML 2025. The goal of this track is to encourage the submission of engaging, impactful, and diverse content for presentation and discussion at the AutoML 2025 conference that may not be appropriate for submission to the main track. This track unifies several avenues for participation from previous years (the Workshop, Journal, and Non-Traditional Content Tracks) under one umbrella.
We invite contributions for this track in a variety of formats:
- Short papers (previously targeted by the workshop track) describing emerging work, preliminary results, position papers, etc., for discussion at the conference (4 pages or fewer, excluding references and supplemental material).
- Hot-off-the-press papers (previously targeted by the journal track) — peer-reviewed papers accepted at journals or conferences in 2024 and 2025 on topics of interest to the AutoML community.
- Non-traditional content beyond the realm of traditional academic papers (previously targeted by the non-traditional content track) — videos, interactive demos, competitions, blog posts, surveys, illustrations, reproducibility studies, art exhibitions, educational content, success stories, etc. published in 2024 and 2025 of interest to the AutoML community. The only limit is your creativity!
To facilitate participation, the reviewing process for this track will be lightweight, with the primary criterion for acceptance being interesting for the AutoML community. Submissions selected for presentation at the conference will be announced and advertised on the conference website, but will not be archived in the proceedings of the conference.
Submission Instructions
We will use OpenReview to manage submissions. <The link will follow soon.>
The submission process is fairly lightweight:
Submission of short papers requires only submitting a PDF, which must use the LaTeX template of the main track (see https://github.com/automl-conf/LatexTemplate; use option ‘usepackage[shortpaper]{automl}’) and is limited to 4 pages (excluding references and appendices).
Submitting previously accepted papers and non-traditional content requires a link to an external website with the submitted content (see FAQ 4) – 8) below). In addition to this external link, we request a short statement (<250 words; submitted via OpenReview) explaining:
- (for a previously accepted paper) WHERE the submission was previously accepted, with a reference (e.g., conference, DOI, or BibTeX entry)?
- (for non-traditional content) WHERE was the content published or presented (e.g., as part of a podcast/blogpost series, an event or study course, YouTube, etc.)?
- WHEN was the content/submission originally published or presented?
- WHAT does it contribute to the AutoML community (e.g., algorithms, problems, educational content, dissemination, science communication, networking, etc.)?
- WHY should we be excited about it?
These statements should be short. The reviewers will use them to assess a diverse set of contribution formats.
- What does “non-archival” mean? Accepted submissions will not be included in the proceedings of the main conference. We will, however, provide a link to all accepted contributions from the conference homepage.
- How will the authors present their work at the conference? Authors of accepted content will be allocated space during the poster session to present their work in any way they see fit (by default, a poster). We encourage creativity in the presentation format if authors want to present the content in a manner that goes beyond a standard poster presentation, whether through interaction, multimedia, or other mechanisms. We will work with you to realize your vision!
- How will the reviewing procedure work? We anticipate a lightweight review process based on scientific correctness, quality of presentation, and interest to the community.
- Can we submit accepted papers from all other conferences and journals? Yes, from our side, there are only three restrictions: (1) a version of the paper must be freely accessible (that is, not behind a paywall) via a URL, for example, on OpenReview or arXiv, (2) it must be peer-reviewed, and (3) it should have been published in 2024 or 2025.
- Is there a page limit for previously accepted papers? No, there is no page limit.
- Our non-traditional content is not available in a digital format. Can we still submit? Very likely, but please contact us before submission at nonarchival-2025@automl.cc.
- We plan to create some online content (e.g., a video or a software demo) specifically for this track. How can we submit this? We do not plan to host videos or other digital content ourselves. We welcome your submission if you can provide an external link (e.g., to your personal website, social media, YouTube, etc.).
- We shared an entertaining video on AutoML on social media. Does it qualify for submission? Yes, absolutely.
- Will the reviewing process be double-blind? No, we do not require anonymized submissions (but will, of course, allow them if desired). The authors may elect either single-blind or double-blind review.
- We have further questions. We’re happy to help. Please contact us at nonarchival-2025@automl.cc
- Submission Deadline: June 16th AoE
- Notification: End of July
Track chairs are Katharina Eggensperger and Nick Erickson. You can reach us via nonarchival-2025@automl.cc